Tuesday 1 December 2015

Day 3 on our project. Yesterday we built 2 tables with very basic tools and completed the concrete slab. All the concrete was mixed by hand.The tables were tricky. Very hard wood and not the right tools but the crew worked it out. Our host Howard showed the crew how to do basic concreting and off we went. It was hard hot sweaty work but people bent their backs and we got the job done. I can't say it's the smoothest slab I've ever seen - in fact it's probbly the least smooth slab I've ever seen - but the locals are happy with it. It will do the job. Very satisfying days work. Then we walked to the beach (2.6 km each way) through the jungle past some houses and rice paddys and had our well earnt swim and watched the sun set from the water again. Then dinner at the beach restaurant. We also celebrated Ella's birthday with a lovely cake for dessert.
Today we have already built 2 more tables and built a step plus some concrete paving stones. And painted a big Santa for "pin the moustache on Santa" for the church fete tomorrow. Later today we have to run beach games for the local children.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very rewarding for everyone! Would love some pics of the tables as well as the concreting :)
    We are so proud of you all!
